
Our goal is always zero injuries. On-going training, employee ownership in the process, innovative programs, and management commitment continue to make Parker Towing one of the safest barge lines in the world. We take pride in our commitment to safety, which protects our employees, customers, vendors, and the communities through which we operate. By managing, and, where possible, eliminating workplace hazards, we will work toward a goal of ZERO injuries and serious incidents at each vessel and at each facility.

Our towboats are equipped with the latest available navigational systems. We've pioneered the use of electronic charting systems using Differential Global Positioning Systems and radar integration technology. This provides our experienced captains and pilots with the information they need to plot the best and safest routes for our towboats. Our skilled and experienced associates are committed to getting the job done right. We are determined to deliver on time and we take responsibility for the environment very seriously. We pride ourselves on moving freight faster, better and safer than any other barge line.


Our Mission

Parker Towing Company’s mission is to deliver the highest standard of service, safety and commitment to protecting the environment in our dry bulk and liquid marine operations, terminal divisions and machine shop. We strive for zero waterway spills, zero environmental incidents and zero employee injuries. We achieve this through our continuous improvement process that includes training, employee involvement, innovative programs and a commitment to being the safest company in the industry.