Gilbert Taylor
This 141 foot by 35 foot twin screw towboat was purchased by Parker Towing Company, Inc. October, 1990 and re-named in honor of Mr. Gilbert Taylor, a long time employee of Parker Towing company Inc. and now retired Port Engineer. Built in 1972 by Superior Boat Works, Greenville, MS., it is powered by two 16 cylinder general Motors E.M.D. model 645E's diesel engines, delivering 3,800 horse power through 3.75 to 1 WESTERN reduction gears. Originally named the MARY WEATHERS while owned by Weathers Towing, Inc., Greenville, MS. It was sold to Bunge Towing, Inc., Greenville, MS. in 1980. It is presently in service on the Warrior-Tombigbee, Tenn-Tom, Tennessee, Ohio, Upper and Lower Mississippi, Intracoastal East Waterways and Mobile Bay.
Photo by: Fred Miller II