Megan Parker
The M/V Megan Parker was built in 2011 by C&G Boat Works, Inc. in Mobile, AL. She breaks new ground with an octagonal wheelhouse, which was designed to meet Parker Towing Company's river system needs. The motor vessel is among the largest in Parker Towing's fleet at 147'6" long and 34' wide. The main engines are GE 8L250, making 2305 horsepower each, a total of 4610 horsepower at 900 RPM with Lufkin Gears. It has two 99" CT28 Kort Nozzles and turns two 98" by 115" five bladed stainless steel Kaplan Propellers.
It serves on the Warrior-Tombigbee, Tenn-Tom, Tennessee, Ohio, Upper and Lower Mississippi, Intracoastal East Waterways, and Mobile Bay.
Photo by: Fred Miller II